Feedback after 41h
Still having alot of fun with the game - even started a second character to check out other weapon variants and rune combinations. So much cool stuff i wish we could unlock a respec option later in the game!
- stamina consumption for actions like rolling and running still needs abit finetuning
- failing a parry should be punished with poise/stamina consumption only (just like a normal block)
- receiving chip damage while blocking feels wrong
- enemy poise-bar is too big and resets too fast
- add a frontal visceral attack option for stunned enemies (running behind the enemy is way too finnicky)
- autotarget targeting enemies way in the distance can be annoying sometimes (especially with bow and staff)
- loot-table of chests feels way too large/random and sometimes not rewarding
- having running, climbing and jumping on one button can be annoying sometimes
- adding some chests/pickables (lootable only once) with fixed rewards would make exploring more rewarding
- having the option to fasttravel between all rifts would save alot of time
- some negative effects on cursed items feel weirdly implemented
- getting just one resource out of a vein/tree/pile feels cheap leading into a long wait for them to respawn
- waiting time for further ressource processing is too long resulting in deadtime in some cases
- crafting out of your chests should be possible (saves alot of time running between point A and B)
- add the option to destroy a rune and keep your gear (“perfect” gear is harder to get than a specific rune)
- enchanting should be seperated into blue- and cursed enchanting
- having to choose between QoL (increasing bag slots) or Powerups (increasing ring/weapons slots) with plaque ichors feels bad
- loosing durability on death feels extra punishing, runback is punishing enough
- as mentioned in the beginning; having the option to reset skillpoints would allow for more theorycrafting
I really appreciate the speed of Hotfixes you guys putting out - don’t burn yourself out!
For myself - i’ll continue playing the game hoping to provide you guys with some more feedback!