Feedback 120hours!

Hello, I’m here to give some feedback after 120 hours of gameplay!

I love your game. HOWEVER, I’m concerned that players might have too much influence over it. Since April 18th, I’ve found myself regularly browsing forums. I’ve lost count of the number of requests for nerfs from people who have only spent 3 hours in the game but think they can give an objective opinion on difficulty, balancing, and what should or shouldn’t be done. I’ve also lost count of the messages asking you to implement certain features, even though they only have a fraction of what the final product will be… a product that you seem intent on continuing to enrich even after the release of version 1.0.

My message is solely to express my support for you, to tell you that I’ve greatly enjoyed your game (even though I’ll set it aside for a while now, having explored it thoroughly after so many hours of gameplay, waiting for something new). I’m excited that you want to create something neither a mindless Diablo clone nor a 3D isometric Dark Souls… but a unique game, with YOUR choices, YOUR mechanics, YOUR inspirations, YOUR references! And I wish for you not to give in to every whim of the players to remain true to your original idea!

Oh, and I do have one piece of feedback: the first boss lags tremendously. Near the town, with rain, destructible elements… you might consider instancing the area (meaning, accessing it with a loading time) similar to the tower or the crucible. But I know you’re aware that the game needs optimization! Good luck with that.

Thank you!

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