Extremely bad performance issues

Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics 3.30 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (13.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

When i open the game i spent between 10 to 20min starring at a black screen before i see the splash screen come up looking like its freezing and once the game opens up and proceed to continue game, i spend another 10min waiting to start and restart game even after death or restarting hoping performance issues has sorted itself out.

So when I start up game at the Sacrament the bridge area is Invisible walking on a Invisible fall and start walking into things I cannot see. When I get to the second bridge going back towards the shallows after leaving Sacrament the bridge there is also Invisible walking into Invisible objects and also frustratingly falling to my death over and over.

When approaching NPC’s at the sacrament, my player gets stuck and also does not face the NPC as well as enemies my character does not seem to face the enemy moving side ways. I have to say after all these updates why aren’t these issues being resolved???

it sounds like your game is not in ssd?

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I am using a Seagate Firecunda exFat file system… This is what i use to play all my games with know problems, except for this one title.

I also tried it on the ssd drive and im still experiencing the same issues.