Encountered a lot of bugs in 1 hour

I was loading up my realm and pretty much encountered a couple bugs all together.


  • First up, my audio was suddenly messed up during playing and some ambient sounds were gone. Examples are cutting trees, weather (thunder), elemental attacks from weapon infuses. They sometimes reappeared momentarily.



Restarting the game fixed ambient sounds, but all visual bugs were still present. Don’t know about ghost enemie models.

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Thank you for the reports.


I"ll update with new bugs here.

Everytime I press the “use”-option to interact with anything, I get a single slash-sound from my rapier that I fought with beforehand.

Edit: continues for some minutes. Also aftersounds from fighting (weapon slashes) when not doing anything. All of this is with the Sinew rapier btw. Maybe if I spam click, it counts those inputs idk

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You bought an early access game and you’re complaining about minor visual glitches. Smh. Their focus needs to be on actual major issues, like people who can’t start the game without it crashing.

cough sorrry bout that

he’s just outlining bugs / glitches that he finds when playing the game. It’s one of the very reasons this forum exists.

Yes, which is cool. But to be like, “This is irritating me”…why did you buy the game in its current state? The devs clearly state this is a work in progress and I get if the game runs poorly, crashes, you have 2 boar tusks after 70 hours and need 10 to make a sword…I get those. But to be like, “Hey the dead standing up sometimes is a step too far” is wild to me.

ah fair point… I mean, for the price tag alone , and, that it’s EA, I have zero reasons to complain. But, that’s just me.

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Personally I’m extremely impressed at the rate and volume of the hotfixes. It really seems like the team are working around the clock to make sure their passion project gets to where they/we want it to be. Twice now I’ve wrote a list of bugs and woke up the next day to those bugs being fixed. My frame rate has tripled, the balance of the game is better, etc. So yeah, I agree.

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I know, shouldn’t have said that. Don’t get me wrong, I love many things about this game and it shows much promise. Devs are indeed listening to us and hotfixing overtime. I recently bought my first gaming desktop so I could run heavier games like this and it’s the first EA experience for me so I forgot for a moment.


Regarding the audio issue (sounds dropping our and reappearing), how long was your session before this started to happen? A few hours, or shorter?

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Been a while but I think around an hour. it happened today also after 2 hours, but didn’t last as long.

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WHAT ON EARTH??? This is the forum where you’re supposed to REPORT BUGS in the game!

It doesn’t say “only report major stuff because we don’t care about fixing small stuff”!

How is DigitzSnek “complaining”? He’s REPORTING what he’s finding in the game. That’s what the devs. ASKED us to do.

I mean wow man.

The devs. are doing a great job at the pace they’re fixing bugs. They clearly care about the game very much and want to see it succeed and make it the best it can possibly be.

But reporting bugs and expressing frustration with those bugs doesn’t qualify as “complaining.” You’re allowed as a player who bought the game to be irked by certain bugs in the game at the same time you appreciate that the devs. are working hard on them.

I mean both things can be true at the same time.