Echo Knight respawned instantly when he reached 0 hp?

So I just fought Echo Knight and when i finally got him to 0 hp he just disappeared and reappeared in the middle of the arena with full health. I was standing at the arena entrance so maybe the game thought I just entered for some reason. Very irritating either way since it was my first time getting that far.

Did you kill him in Phase 1 and he transitioned to phase 2? Or did you actually kill him After he got off his horse and then he appeared a 2nd time?

I didn’t know that hes supposed to get off the horse! He did respawn with the horse still though

do you happen to have any videos of this happening?

or any of the information requested here?

I don’t have recorded video turned on, so there’s no way to provide a video.I’m fighting the Echo Knight and the boss is in phase 1, it launches a charge, hits the location in the picture, what looks like a rocky outcrop, and then instantly disappears and resets at the birth point with its HP fully restored.

Because of this bug, I got to experience the grueling battle of having three stages of Echo Knight.

another report, with a similar issue, and screenshot. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if the underlying logic is the same, I don’t have proof but I remember it had some life left and it was charging and I was dodging so I didn’t attack him.It charged into that corner of the wall pretty deep, and I don’t know if you guys have any kind of boundary determination that gets reset out of the boundary kind of mechanic.

sure, might be different, but to me it seems unlikely that 2 things (setting his HP to 0 and the missing boundary at the stone wall) cause the same effect (him respawning at full HP).

especially, since a lot of people killed him since the update, and nobody reported him respawning “just” from 0 HP in phase 1.

both issues seem to happen in phase 1.
it might be likely, that the OP of this post killed him near that same spot, causing him to somehow be partially outside his boss arena, which set him back inside at his spawn point, causing the fight to start over.

plus OPs description:

I was standing at the arena entrance so maybe the game thought I just entered for some reason.

or maybe it was not him leaving the arena at this spot, but parts of the player model clipped through parts of that wall and what OP speculated happened.

yes thats speculation, but it seems the most likely explanation to me.

in any case, it might help to test this further, get video “evidence”, try to reproduce it and send the team the logfiles (just in case) see here: How to Properly Report Bugs!

So following up on This topic about Echo respawn I decided to test it and it did happen. Has nothing to do with his hp, it happens at a certain location near the entrance.

Discord Apparently its been posted on discord a while back already, heres another instance of it happening.

It also seems upon closer inspection that it was the player model clipping to the entrance zone to cause it in both instances.

thank you for the report and the additional information, we will investigate :saluting_face:

Thank you for your service Caiden!

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This happened to me again today as well, at the beginning of the game, because I’m used to staying in the doorway and waiting for the Echo Knight’s first charge. Sorry for not recording a video.

The Echo Knight charged me and squeezed me onto the collision volume of the doorway, the Player Actor was probably squeezed out of the collision volume, and the Echo Knight reset until the initial because I was judged to have fled the battlefield.