Does Chipped Topaz or similar gem’s effect stack when infused in 2 weapon? (ie Bow and sword)
You have two whole chipped topaz? Just thank your lucky stars and keep them like a collectable, I have reached max level without ever seeing one.
damn son, as soon as multiplayer drops, send me an invite and i give you one of mine
What is max level?
I have not reached it yet i hope =D
the max level is 30 for now. they are going to increase it the further we get into development
actually i have 7, they are rare but not unobtainable; try to start new realm till u unlock the merchant… update it at least at lv 2 and looking for selled gems every day. Create 3-4 realms so u can farm more gems easy
This could indeed work but… Because of how low odds random plays out it still won’t work for everyone (and that someone could still be me). Plus it just sounds, kinda awful compared to exploring and replaying areas…
Maybe there should be a way to get the gems you need for your build aside from hope, grinding even harder, or duping.
They do stack and I’ve gotten a bunch. if you get one on a bow and a weapon in the other hand it works quite nicely. normally lets you shoot arrows and gain focus with every hit