Devs Nerfed Ice Throw But No Option To Re-Rune

Please devs give us feature to re-rune weapons. It really sucks that you guys nerfed Ice throw and now I have a useless ability when I could use something better.

I have a perfect rolled weapon which cost me a lot of gold and time to get. Please let me re-rune it.


Exactly, Iā€™m tired of weapons, enchantments and runes being nerfed and you being left with a useless or less useful weapon or armor.
If someone considers it too powerful and doesnā€™t like it, donā€™t use it. But there is no reason to continually lower the statistics. In the end only 3 or 4 people will be able to playā€¦

Maybe that is not the worst ideaā€¦, if a rune is modified, allow to un-rune it for free. That would definitively reduce the ammount of ā€œstop nervingā€ posts after an update :wink:

Nerfing outliers is fineā€¦ But I agree, we should have more flexibility, especially when it comes to nerfed Runes.

Nerfing without presenting alternatives demotivates Players.

One question would be, if the throws were actually still too strong OR if the specialized builds still continued to perform, which wouldnā€˜t necessarily confirm the former.

If people should try sth new, they should encourage it, through buffing underused Runes and enabling it via Rune switching.