Cant insert "Throw Runes" in a spear-type weapon

Cant insert “Throw Runes” in a spear-type weapon. Game feature or bug?

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I came here just for this topic as I (disappointingly) found out the same thing.

I had enchanted and fully upgraded a spear as my 2nd main, only to find out that now I can’t put ice throw (or fire throw) on it.

The rune clearly says “a weapon”.

Is a spear not a weapon???

I was talking about this the other day. A Spear should be capable of throwing itself so I believe just like how you can use a Cold Enchantment Rune on the Bow and the arrow turns to ice but doesn’t take on the cold damage. But this is BECAUSE Bow has its’ own Ice arrow. So I’m thinking Spear may very well have its’ own Throw Runes associated to it only since throwing a spear is part of its’ utility unlike sword or hammer which uses the Throw Runes just fine.

Anyway here’s a short video of the issue. I don’t have many spears but all can’t attach Throw Runes. But can attach other “Weapon” Runes.

New patch 5/23 notes say:

  • All Throw runes can now be added to Spears


But did you notice the nerf too lol.

I did, but in my testing (so far) it doesn’t seem too bad.

I’m a little more concerned about the Focus Regen being removed from gloves… I dont understand that.

Anyway seeing a long spear spin around on throw is pretty great (FYI, also try a spear with the rune from the new Pigsticker blueprint)

I really wish they’d let us remove a rune without destroying the weapon. It doesn’t make sense to force use of the rune that came on the weapon - and obviously if enchanted, you basically get one usable rune slot.

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With craftable weapons seemingly having all 4 slots open, it seems we could see a future where we can craft any weapon without the default Rune. This is an option I’m hoping to spread. So default pickups come with a rune as they are already “used” weapons. But if we gain the crafts to these weapons we may see the addition of these weapons also having that first slot open too. We’ll see.

All my weapon blueprints show a default rune… what weapon can you craft with all 4 slots?

I think the item I know of with 4 slots is the torch…?

Not sure if this info is 100% though. Sorry for the confusion.

Some weapons show as this

So I assumed I just didn’t have the recipes for those weapons yet…that come with no runes. Or this is just unknown information. Again, sorry for the confusion.