Agree that death has become a little trivial.
What about a plague meter? Each time you die, the plague meter fills up more and more in intervals. The more it fills, the more debuffs you get (an extra debuff each death. maybe a total of 5?).
If the plague meter completely fills, the last debuff on death 5 is de-generating health that slowly drops over time. You’d have to use rune skills and meals to keep topping health up. There would need to be a fail safe to prevent builds that completely stop this (maybe at stage 5, health perks on gear don’t work?).
BUT - You could also incorporate BUFFS alongside the DEBUFFS to make an interesting system where you may want to die to a certain point. You could also make this purely a DEBUFF death system. Depends what works.
If going toe DEBUFF/BUFF route, the more debuffs you get, the more bonuses you also get.
So maybe your plague bar has 5 stages, one for each death up to 5. As you hit each death threshold, you keep your current buffs/debuffs, and also gain the next one.
1st death, Poise is reduced by 15%, but 15% more money is found.
2nd death, you take 10% more damage, but do 10% more damage.
3rd death, Stamina is reduced by 15%, but attacks and movement are 15% faster on top of current stats from gear etc.
4th death, you occasionally are interrupted by a vomit animation vomiting up plague, buy you gain 15% bonus XP.
5th death, you now slowly lose health over time. Only food and rune skills can give back health. Gear stats like heath on hit no longer work. Also, dying in this 5th state will also cost you money and XP. BUT, you now have a ‘plague frenzy’ meter that fills up from landing attacks. When it is full and you activate it, you do 100% more damage for 30 seconds.
Then to remove the debuffs, i’d say you have to use a special potion bought from the potion guy (that can also drop rarely in game?). When you take the potion, it gives you a buff for the next 3 deaths before the plague effect can start kicking in again.
This was a very quick idea that just came to mind reading this thread, so I haven’t really thought much about it or fleshed it out, but maybe it’s a good base idea for a future death mechanic?