Dark Souls/Elden Ring gets the Punishment aspect correct. :)

Durability was always going to be a losing game mechanic. Even if it is implemented correctly. Gamers just don’t like Durability.

Now that durability has been nerfed, items like the repair rune are just useless. I enjoyed using the tools provided to combat durability, but now they are un needed.

This is why Dark Souls respawns mobs after you die. That is your punishment for dying, and it makes sense. If you die you get punished by having every mob respawn., Its a win win because it makes sense to the player, unlike durability.

It seems that the developers have tried really hard to not implement that system into the game, but I would argue that having mobs respawn into the game after you die would address the punishment for death problem.

With durability gone, there is just nothing to punish you anymore. It’s just spawn die, spawn die, spawn die. Death doesn’t feel like anything and in turn you character doesn’t have any sense of meaning because dying has no meaning

Having an awesome time playing!!!

Just some feedback :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing more. I’m at almost 50 hours, and…

I stand by the topic: Dark Souls/ Elden Ring get the Punishment aspect correct.

  1. It makes no sense to be rewarded for dying because if you kill a mob and die, you just respawn and that mob is no longer there. If there are 3 mobs you can just die and kill one, leaving 2. Then, when you return from dying you are rewarded with just 2 mobs. Rinse and repeat. I’ve done this several times. Kill…Die…Kill…Die

  2. It just feels bad dying now, because there is no punishment.

  3. It makes no sense to not have the quick travel save points not to give you health. They literally don’t give you health to not copy Dark Souls

If mobs simply respawned when you died it would all make sense, and you could get your health back at travel point. And it would add a challenge to the game. There is no challenge when you are rewarded for dying.

Respawning mobs after death renders completely useless the (in my opinion, very good and interesting) fog of war mechanic.

Bring back the old durability loss. Introduce EXP loss, gold loss, anything really. But do not respawn enemies. Respawning enemies goes against the core mechanics of the game and would unbalance a shitload of things.

I personally love how enemies stay dead for a while and then respawn naturally. Every time I go back to an area and I find it empty I feel like my actions meant something. I killed everyone and everyone stayed dead. And when they “respawn” they’re not the same guys as before, they are different people who occupied a place with no owners; this is reflected by how respawned enemies are of different “classes” than the ones before.

The developers didn’t just “try really hard to not implement that system into the game”: they actively searched for alternatives that fit into what they were trying to achieve, and created a system that not only achieved this, but also made everything feel more alive and natural. Which, in my opinion, was a big part of this game’s design philosophy.

I’m not writing this to openly disagree with you and to deem your opinions wrong, but to let developers know (in case they read this post) that they shouldn’t change such a core part of the game. Find alternatives, bring back old durability, introduce something new… just don’t alter the vision of the game to make players happy.


Yeah, I had no issues with the Durability and I miss it. I’m just speaking from seeing on how many people dislike durability. I don’t think you are ever going to win against people who dislike durability.

I agree with you. Please bring back the durability. I thought the systems in place for durability were perfect and I miss using my Repair Rune.

But, they took away durability and they did it within the first week of the game, so they knew going in it was not going to be received well. There were many posts in the forums before the game even launched deriding Durability.

All I know is that they need to do something because right now it feels bad when you die and respawn with no penalty.

To me what happened to durability looked like the developers “conceding” to the players dissatisfaction and altering the durability without thinking of the consequences just because the backlash was very fierce. I really hope they rethink this decision or implement a different way of making death scary.

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I like the durablility mechanic, and the fact that farming is necessary to get money, supplies, etc. to survive. Really encourages me to get gooder (and to start a new realm where I am massively overpowered)


I like Durability loss way better than Exp loss or mobs respawning (both are just losing you time you have spend, which to me is always a very frustrating punishment)

I also think that the repair cost in their nerfed state are to irrelevant.

Durability and Repair cost are in essence just a more immersive way of making you lose money on death. Which is a fine way to punish dying in my opinion.
But I think the cost should be increased again.


Durability and Repair cost are in essence just a more immersive way of making you lose money on death. Which is a fine way to punish dying in my opinion.
But I think the cost should be increased again.

High cost and high repair powder makes more sense to me than nerfing the whole system.

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Very nice to see all the positivity for Durability.

Let’s hope they put it back in the game.

Personally, all they had to do was explain to the community how it worked and how to repair your items. Once you figure out there is a repair rune, that alone combats durability.

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Durability really feels pointless except on tools at current state to me. Weapons and armors’s durability doesn’t decrease when you hit/take-hit at all, and you have to die 20 times for you to have to repair once, 22 copper coin repair cost is not even worth considering. Losing 5 durability when dying feels like nothing so i always jump off the edge to die and get home faster. Enemy does not respawn is fine and good but dev should add other death penalties like losing xp/items/gold.

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I’ve been playing more. I’m at almost 50 hours, and…

I stand by the topic: Dark Souls/ Elden Ring get the Punishment aspect correct.

  1. It makes no sense to be rewarded for dying because if you kill a mob and die, you just respawn and that mob is no longer there. If there are 3 mobs you can just die and kill one, leaving 2. Then, when you return from dying you are rewarded with just 2 mobs. Rinse and repeat. I’ve done this several times. Kill…Die…Kill…Die

  2. It just feels bad dying now, because there is no punishment.

  3. It makes no sense to not have the quick travel save points not to give you health. They literally don’t give you health to not copy Dark Souls

If mobs simply respawned when you died it would all make sense, and you could get your health back at travel point. And it would add a challenge to the game. There is no challenge when you are rewarded for dying.

Adding to OP