This is both a bug reporting and a suggestion for perhaps the nearest future and it only concerns the crucible due to having elemental echoes.
The bug is related with the elemental damage echoes obtained on the crucible. Here is a example of a video to describe it:
The example given with the damage numbers also shown on the video and the issue here is this:
Corpse Smeared Blade has 30% plague damage the echo used has 15% fire damage. Once clicked on, the 30% plague damage is removed and the 15% fire damage is added resulting in 15% elemental damage lost.
That mean’s in order for me to get a small bonus to a diferent elemental type i also need the “luck” of the rare blue echo providing additional 25% fire damage for a total of 40% Fire damage providing a small 10% elemental damage increase regarless of the type in this case being fire. The only way to turn this around which is what i’ve been doing is only choosing the same type of the weapon i have to remove other elemental damage types of the table of echoes. It make’s RNG rather difficult most of the times since i need to be very picky for only plague echoes.
Regarless of the damage lost being a bug here is my 2 suggestions and of course only concerns the crucible:
Incorporate the already elemental damage type on the weapon into the new elemental type echo (like the example of the video above 30% plague damage + 15% fire damage as the final result = 45% fire damage)
The first suggestion (1) seems the best one so it doesn’t interfere with the randomness of the crucible and keeps it like it is.
Depending on the weapon selected when entering the crucible allow the crucible echoes only to search for the specific elemental damage it has. If it has none then pure echo randomness (RNG).
i am honestly not sure if this is a bug. would be very weird to stack 30% plaque with 15% fire imo. i find it rather intuitive, that these different element types do not stack.
have you tried a fire infused weapon? does fire then stack with fire?
hmm maybe u misunderstood or u perhaps misinterpreted it is indeed a long text. I know that diferent elemental damage doesn’t stack its the percentage damage lost that is a problem if your weapon % elemental type is higher than the echo.
Answeering your question… yes same element stacks with same element. Example: lets say the weapon has the enchant/infuse of 15% fire dmg and echo provides 15% fire dmg the resultant is 30%.
The problem lies in this:
U have a fire infused weapon, u choose a frost elemental echo u lose the fire damage whether its higher or not (example: Your weapon has 30% fire damage from its enchant/infuse u choose a frost element echo of 15% and u end up now with a weapon doing only 15% frost elemental damage, the other 15% is lost). And now i need “luck” or be in a situation where i gambled to maybe obtain the next blue echo (25% frost elemental) so i can finally get 40% and have 10% extra elemental damage.
I’ve done alot of crucible runs and in some of them around 20% - 30% of those runs i can’t select a single plague damage echo because it keeps showing me other elements (frost/fire/lightning) even after using alot of new echo selections (spending 50 traces). If the whole point of the crucible echoes is to add damage or sacrifice something for something else (cursed echoes) and im playing with a plague damage weapon i find it purely logical that at least if i select a random diferent elemental echo (fire/frost/lightning) that at least the percentage of elemental damage already present on the weapon would at least convert into the element i choose (30% plague + 15% fire echo = 45% fire) or the first card (echo) would automatically turn the 30% plague dmg into 30% fire damage so no damage is lost regarless if i end up not actually winning those extra 15%.
The concept with the crucible is that once u select 1 element card (echo) u are stuck for the rest of the run with those specific elemental type echoes u choose and all other diferent elemental types is removed off the table. That mean’s until u choose 1 element echo u will be spammed with all the echoes of all the elemental types (frost/fire/lightning/plague) including the legendary (yellow) and cursed (purple) that come with it.
I hope this helped in understanding my reasoning or misunderstanding from your part
I indeed did understand you, and i find that not logical at all. if you have a 30% fire weapon and then decide to switch to ice, why would the fire damage percentage then convert to ice? i see it rather as an element change. if you switch from fire to ice you lose fire and get ice. so you lose the fire percentage. it would not be intuitive or even “realistic” to keep the previous dmg conversion. imagine putting a knife in the freezer and then holding it in fire. it is not x% hotter when it was x% colder before. it reaches the same temperature at the end no matter if it was frozen before or not.
I do agree with u to a certain extent and by that i mean outside of the crucible where you u would accurate. That’s not the best example though because if it reaches the same temperature at the end then u are undirectly agreeing with me because no chance or luck exists on your statement/example.
However i cannot imagine it, because its simply a fantasy game bound by its own set created rules by Moonstudios. The keyword here is adding damage or sacrificing something for something else (cursed) which still adds advantage by itself in 1 click and not “add damage to lose damage” which is the only exception on the entire crucible and it applies to all elemental types (first white echo is always 15% or 25% for blue variance echo) and both are still lower than 30% unless combined (luck/RNG) unless of course its same elemental type of the weapon. U are welcome to prove me wrong by providing a Echo where such occurrence also happens because i know of no other exception to this conundrum.
Regarless i do appreciate your opinion. I’m simply curious to know that if a developer does stumble on this topic what will be the answeer.
And yes its simply a suggestion and yes damage is indeed lost.
yeah, i can really see your point, but it still feels intentional. because it works if u pick fire on a fire weapon, then dmg stacks. so i would interpret it as a change. give up plague for ice or whatever.
but yes, i think the dev team can clear that up, if it is intentional or a bug. should it not be a bug we can still change this thread to “suggestions” instead of bug reporting