Crafting/Gathering Focused Enchantments/Gems/Gear Pieces

I think it’d be pretty neat if the game had some more non-combat oriented enchantments, gems & gear sets/pieces. For example; Enchantment/gems that increases gathering speed, yield, less durability spent on tools, etc. Also having a legendary chefs hat, or a gardener overalls with unique enchantments.

Helps keep crafters/gatherers engaged and ties in nicely with Thomas’ post about allowing people to be merchants, lumberjacks and everything else. Also would be massive for multiplayer and farming updates too.

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or… maybe magic find :wink:

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean? :sweat_smile:

sorry that might have been a bit short :smile:
thats a typical perk in other games… something like
X% higher chance to find magic items or items of higher rarity

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Oh yeah I get you now. X% chance to get double yield from gathering would be sick.

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