Convinced gems are bugged

For the past three topaz I’ve socketed into gear, they have rolled the absolute lowest value they can represented in the tooltip. These represent pieces of gear I’ve curated and leveled up, spent loads of resources into maxing out, only to have them roll extremely poorly and be extensively sub par. For focus on hit, sure I’d get rolling 1% twice, that’s like an 11% chance, unlucky me. but no my pants rolling 5 focus on focus use out of 5-15? That’s a 1% chance.

I cannot express enough how unfun this is, how much it feels like I’ve wasted my time., and how much time I’ve wasted looking for specific gems. I don’t get excited when a new form of gear drops. I dread it, dread spending resourced into the roulette machine of enchanting and gemming.

The recent patch that “corrected values” is either bugged and broken, and has thus burned away hours of my game time, or have been insanely overturned.

They’re not bugged, but this is how random value rolls on very scarce gear crafting feels in ARPGs. It’s supposed to drive you to grind more, and repeat the same stuff you’ve already played for more chances, and all that waste and grinding builds up a big feeling of catharsis once you finally actually get all the rolls to go your way.

Personally don’t like that, and don’t play games that revolve around that sort of loop (who has time to be strung along like that?) but some people seem to dig it.