After the watermark and first loading, it display controls at the bottom of the screens with the word Amber at the top, but the rest is black. Music is also playing. Controls doesn’t do anything except fliping the bottom UI for controller mapping or keyboard mapping.
I’ve tried most solution found on google at the moment.
Here is the dxdiag + logs files : Drive
I’ve also tried many “solutions” I could found:
- press spacebar only once after the loading
- update drivers
- Update c++ redistribuable
- disable vsync
- force performance mode on windows 10
- redo first step after everything else.
What is weird is that the task manager shows my GPU at 100% though my PC run much bigger game (I still have a RTX 3070).
But reading througn logs let me think that there’s multiple assets that couldn’t be found. For this reasons I uninstall and reinstall the game a second time but no success…
BTW, it was installed on a SSD all that time.
If you have something to suggest throw your idea.
Otherwise I fear that I’ll be forced to get refund before the 2 weeks limit on steam.