Since I started playing the game, I was enjoying it and making progression througout the world while experiencing sometimes crashes (mostly upon resting at the Cerim’s Whispers) but that was not a very big issue…until 2 days go when then game crashed; I restarted it as usual but this time, “Continue” was greyed out despite showing my character and its level on the side.
When I started over by creating a new game, I got instantly teleported to the starting beach with my character at its level and its full inventory (making it a very easy start).
Yesterday, I exited the game normally by coming back to the mai n menu and exiting to desktop and today, same issue again: “Continue” was greyed out and I had to start over again.
This issue is very frustrating, are there any known fixes to it?
I uploaded my full “NoRestForTheWicked” folder just in case.
Here is the link to it: https://file.io/43RbbiAAoWtb
Thank you in advance !
have you checked if your backup savefile is still available?
I also found an older thread with a similar issue. There is a solution posted Can't continue adventure
something about renaming a .TMP file. Maybe that helps?
Hello !
I have checked the solution mentionned and I can’t really understand what the person meant, I do not have any .tmp file in my character folder (the one that is a combination of 5 numbers), I still have all of my .dat files there, “Account”, “Character”, “Backup” and “Realm”.
I have tried today to launch the game again and now my character is gone but the files are still there.
I don’t know how to recover him.
and you also can not load a backup from the main menu? there should be an option to load a backup file of your realm.
go to realms, right click on realm, select file where it still worked and load that?
Whenever I start the game now, no character is showing on the side and whenever I try to pick a realm to go, only “New Game” is available.
I even tried the SteamCloud trick (disabling SteamCloud, deleting local save files and re-enabling it afterwards) but it does not seem to work.
I saved my progression into a compressed folder but even replacing the files does not seem to make the game reckognize my previous game, I think I just lost 35h of game time…
Thank you for the report we are looking into this, may you please message me directly on discord (Stribbits on the Dev team) and provide me with your Datastore files.
C:\Users\your name\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\DataStore\15647
provide me the complete folder. (don’t worry there is nothing private or personal in this folder)
Hello and sorry for the delay about my answer.
I have looked to get the required savegame files and noticed on my corrupted run, the character files were 0kb which prevented them from being loaded, I still don’t know what corrupted them.
I since loaded a save prior to this one and did not encountered any bug or issues with the game so far, I can still send you the files if you wish to see them.
Please do so, in a DM. We would like to still look into this to avoid it in the future!
thank you!