Bows should be 100% stamina it just makes sense. For balance purposes and for build variety.
Sounds cool and fun on paper, but considering the rate of stamina regen (it fills pretty fast), and considering that a bow user won’t use stamina for dodges like a melle toon would and therefore will use most of his stamina for runes. You will pretty quickly end with a runespam gameplay. Your bowskills would be up all the time.
100% stamina would be too strong imo. And they clearly showed they dont want this runespam meta.
Lower the focus cost of bow skills could be a reasonnable way to balance bow gameplay, imo 100 is too high. Feelin the same for melee btw. 50-75 would be perfect if you ask me.
As it is right now my bow skills are always up. And I don’t even have it fully optimized ( no topaz in my pants I have blood gem) and rarely am I not able to cast cone shot. Even if two shots of arrow and it’s back up. Usually only drops down like that if I miss.
I think it’s worth a test from the developers.
And another possibility could be if say cone shot required a bit of stam and focus