Anybody else experiencing this?
My toon sometimes seems to prefer boxes or rats or enemies far away. Sometimes even when there is an enemy right in front of my face.
creating some really silly situations when my bow refuses to hit the target right in font of me.
It used to work fine a few patches back though not sure what changed.
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Not experienced this often but I have experienced it a few times, so not sure if it’s become worse or not but it’s definitely a problem with the auto-target but even doing it manually it sometimes targets the enemy ‘behind’ so to speak.
I am still not sure there actually is any targeting. The lock-on seems totally random. Pressing the target lock button (T) does not seem to do anything or I just don’t understand what it is supposed to do. Sometimes the character just attacks in a different direction with an enemy right next to it. Also had multiple times when I was fighting two enemies my character would just attack a box which was probably like 1m closer than the enemies. Actually I saw a dot on an enemy which seems to visualize the lock-on but this rarely ever happens - no dot displayed like 90% of the time for me.
I feel like i get this a lot in the crucible with any enemy on an angle or awkwardly off screen/at a distance. the camera is set to have enemies ambush you off screen, but, it makes hitting them at a distance difficult. if i try and time it as they ambush me, it usually misses because they need to be on screen properly first, i guess. I get the problem a lot in that birch tree area.
Yeh me too, and then I fall of the edge…AGAIN!