Armor Shard drop rate low

I dont know if anyone else has noticed but to me it seems like armor shards dont drop very often. Im getting like 1o weapon shards to 1 armor shard. Is there anyway to increase the drop rate for armor shards? It sucks to not be able to level up any gear, and i have to be very particular on which gear i level up because im not sure when i will get more armor shards. I might get 2-4 during a 3 hr session of playing, and thats opening all chests i find, digging , etc. Id just like to be able to level up more gear to have more options of building out my character.

I actually had the opposite problem of being very, very low on weapon shards, but 2-3 stacks of armor ones!

It is pretty random, but between bounties/challenges and crucible Iā€™m doing decent on them now.

seems like you got unlucky!
randomness in this game has a bit too much of an input, so you end up with these issues.
reducing the swings and punches that rng can hit you with would solve the problem.
(for example if you keep not getting x item from loot, the more you dont get it the more the chance of getting it increases. pretty standard practice in videogames)

Bad luck mitigation! A good example of this is Boss Pets in Runescape 3.
If the pet was a 1/5000 drop rate, every 1000 kills the drop chance would increase. So after 1000 kills, the pet would have a 2/5000 (1/2500) chance, and so on.

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