A notebook in our inventory (key items category) where we could write down in-game notes would be great to log and keep track of many short term and long term things:
- Todolists, for example of Items we are looking for, to upgrade our gears
- Notes about our build, what gear we are looking for, what repartition of points we aim for, gems and enchantments to look for / or avoid etc.
- Short term goals (visit there > buy this > build that …)
- Long term goals and personal challenges (buy all houses, have 99 of each available materials, kill 5000 enemies, have 100 gold)
I don’t know for other players, but i constantly log something on a physical notebook, especially what i’m looking for the next gear upgrade, or about my actual build. I update those notes constantly. I love to be able to do that IN-GAME, like in “The Long Dark”.
I’m sure you want to implement a detailed page where we can see many details like how many kilometers we have run, how many of each enemies / rats we have killed etc. So i’m sure some players would want to define some personal long term goals.
Even if other players want this, it certainly is not an urgent feature to add, but i put it here, as it’s one of my favorite feature in ANY game (beside being able to sit down in the game ), and i find it a bit frustrating that few games have it implemented.