Adding Focus Regen Attribute

I was thinking about the Focus attribute and how it increases your max Focus and it lead me to think, how important is it to have a larger Focus pool? I play as a Healer Mage and honestly with Fireball, Frost Bolt* and Spark all costing 50 Focus each, having a larger pool really doesn’t matter. The only time it matters, for me at least, is when I use the Aura of Health spell as that costs a fair amount.

Digressing though, what DOES matter is how you can regain spent Focus reliably and efficiently. You can have a Focus pool of 100 and still get 2 50 cost spells off, before having to gain Focus again. Half the time with a decent weapon/enchantments, 1 spell is enough to kill basic enemies.

Now I am not saying there’s a lack of ways to regain Focus. The community has already found ways to gain enormous amounts of focus with little effort. What I am saying is that maybe having a Focus Regen attribute to put points from levelling into might be a good idea to consider.

Maybe have it that each point invested adds a 0.2 /second regeneration on your Focus. This way, even if you dumped every point you get from 1-47 (current max level, I think) you’d regen 13.8 Focus per second (do NOT trust my maths though, I’m awful.) This is not over powered in my eyes, but still useful. This also means that those of us that don’t want to heavily invest enchantments, food and other things into focus and focus regeneration have a legitimate way to regen Focus, at the cost of points.

Just a “thinking-out-loud” feedback post!

I see what you’re trying to accomplish and I agree for passive ways. The issue is attaching more benefits to attributes is contentious right now. Once Focus Regeneration is fixed, maybe that’s a better time to take a look at this topic.

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