Title says it all. Focus Regeneration and Focus Gain % seem to be BARELY giving any focus/not working. Even when stacking a full set with Focus Gain % and Focus Regeneration my focus bar hardly regenerating anything at all.
I too have found this, but I though i got the “focus regeneration” functionality wrong and it was instead something different.
If it’s supposed to regenerate focus passively then it’s not working for me.
i have the same. it’s literally 0 and i assumed it would work the same way as health regen which would be slow but it should happen. guess i will have to pause the game until this is solved.
correction. it does work. it takes around 15 minutes to regenerate 50 focus so it’s effectively a dead stat BUT it does something.
I think a good suggestion is just have it work as is during combat, but more like health regen when your not actively fighting and have no aggro
I don’t see a reason to not have it just work in general. At least at a rate like health regen
1 per second base
The things is, if there were proper focus regen available on gear, it’d be available for everyone. Which in turn would render all “auto attacks” useless. I mean, why would anyone “auto attack” if every specc in the game could just regenerate focus all the time, that’d just be the go to build. Everyone would just spamm spells, str-builds aswell. And if they fixed that issue by making abilites worse or autos better, no-one would want to play ability centered builds.
Sooo, the way i see it. Focus regen needs to be better and exlusive to like… bows, staffs and wands? Or baked into the intelligence stat, or well, somthing like such.
if you really spec into it to be able to have regeneration of like…3 per second which would let you use a strong rune once every about 30 seconds, you are sacrificing damage, defense, sustain, stamina, etc.
just having it work at all doesn’t make it instantly viable
but as an archer or mage i would build around it and sacrifice other aspects
alternatively someone on twitter already asked about magic staffs having ranged base attacks which if accepted should also apply to bows.
but then again they could just remove this affix because right now it’s literally a waste of space.
Yeah, needs an adjustment.
Now that’s a pleasant surprise
I hope you mages get recognized as well :0
Can confirm the rate is ultra slow. Making the property on equipment really useless.
I thing none of the Rings work, i testet xp gain rings and used xp poitions and get no more xp with 3 rings so its should be 9% more xp but it wasnt, also the gear with -xp didnt work. i testet it with 5 items equipt with gain less xp and i get the same xp when i use the xp potion…there is no + and there is no -
also the rings with more attack and movement speed, they do nothing
As a bow main i would love for it to start trickling full… but if not we got stam pots on deck! Would like an either-or tho so i can use gem slots more tactfully.
Focus Regen seems to work very well in my case… its a few mins and there is a decent chunk given back… I hear the 100% Focus sound all the time during gameplay and I use focus mainly for my 2H Claymore Strikes.
Its so good I stopped using small vials entirely.
I collect medium vials for boss fights still but regardless focus regen (a single gem on my gear) is doing wonders.
Maybe its worth emptying it and getting the timer out and show comparison shots with a few minutes or so gained just for the curious (on my build)
Perhaps it could regenerate more focus or health with the downside of not being able to gain as much regeneration from hits.
Definitely works now after patch 1
Before the Patch that “fixed” it, it worked as others stated.
After the recent patch fix it is working as intended for me. Not too fast, not too slow. Feels good in my opinion. I still run out of Focus fighting bosses but also don’t have a Focus Gain Specific build either so again I think it feels good where it is at the moment for my Multi-class build.
I think this post is outdated.