A new Doppelganger type Universal spawn enemy

Howdy you all!

How you guys feel about a mysterious entity that shows up/spawns randomly (there’s a chance for it and some actions increase the spawn rate of said Monster, maybe like dying or enchanting or even killing bosses/groups of foes)

it could spawn at any area you are in, and the chance for it to spawn carries between areas as well, but it resets back to 1% when you beat it or when you die after it spawned in your area (Preferably a small message would appear like “You feel a dark presence Nearby” or “A dark presence has entered the surrounding area” to tell you it spawned now and you can start searching for it if you want.

Lore wise the entity can be a random legendary stranger from the past with a funny name like “Smiling Jack” or “The Silver Shroud” (Fallout reference) or maybe a Cerim manifestation that copies your build but has slightly higher status than you do (Similar to the mimic tear bit in Elden ring but better cuz this one is not a 1 time spawn/encounter) + if one goes with the Legendary angle said spawn could be aggro toward all foes around it or he’s a single spawn as in no groups will spawn around it.

As for benefits it could give XP, or drop items required for last tier of upgrade, or even specific loot drop (only 1 per kill can be dropped), it could drop like the Cerim Armor or an enhanced version of it, or it could drop any of the bosses loot in the game. bonus is if devs go with this idea and find a way to put it as a merchant/npc in Sacrament that only appears at certain times and offer pricey but endgame service to the player.

-An enemy that could spawn anywhere, starts at 1% but chance is raised as you do specific actions like enchanting/killing bosses/groups of enemies.
-Lore wise he’s a legendary entity from the past or a previous Cerim
-Gameplay/Combat wise: it could have it’s own moveset and weapons or it could copy the players equipment at the time they entered the area (To avoid Mimic’s tear go naked to the fight then wear your good equipment cheese/exploit)
-Loot: he can drop Cerim Armor or an enhanced/ragged version of it (Same status different looks) or his loot pool is from all of the other bosses the player beaten up to that point.

thank you one and all and may Odessa and the people of Sacrament live to see a brighter and better future!


Yup, we had a similar idea for this already - and we tested some AI trained behavior that we run on playerData, so that this enemy wouldn’t fight like a normal enemy, but mirror how players out in the wild actually behave :slight_smile:



Curious how enemy AI will develop with more end game zones and different enemy types. It was a cute touch that the fungus enemies play around one another… Good ol mycelium network. Themes to enemies aside from aesthetics and move set are a nice touch.

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if so that would be very interesting to see how it’s done in practice in-game