Mimic Chest Idea/ Lootable - guaranteed weapon / 1% legendry chance


can you guys make it so we can have mimics and they can fight us and whereever they die they become a chest and we can loot it. and a guaranteed weapon of all types and 1 or less % chance to get a legendry out of it or something like plague ichor.

Mimic Chest idea/ guaranteed weapon in the chest after death, 1% legendary chance/ he mimic will fight with a weapon that is inside the chest and more rarer the weapon inside, the harder it is to fight the mimic, and if you kill them, the mimic will put the weapon in his mouth and die/ if they win they will vanish!


nice concept art, better MS paint skills than my friday games night skribble io friends lol

but jokes aside, great idea, and i think i saw it suggested somewhere…

… there: Improve Markos the potion seller - combined - one thread "to rule them all" - #2 by Mathieu

so someone apparently spotted mimics in the game files?

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Thanks XD,

That’s cool i hope they add more depth into the game to make it feel more filled up with these kinds of stuff and not just the same thing every time.

Love the idea! It’s a classic. :heart_eyes: :ok_hand:

Love the artstyle even more :paintbrush: :exploding_head:

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