62 hours in, enjoying it so far. But atm, it feels like a dark souls copy but with diablo loot. Keep the dark souls core and add more arpg elements going forward. Take the best aspects from other games and tweak them a bit.Blizzard does this all the time. For the record I love the dark souls combat and this game has potential.
Overall suggestions so far
its just pretty plain atm. You basically want a purple with a negative that doesn’t affect you(exp loss while your already max level). Throw a gem in and upgrade at smithy. Besides 1 gem there is no way to add/customize it to your build. A well rolled purple will always be better then a blue or white.
Having said that a white item is nearly pointless, and a blue is just a placeholder. The rolls are worse, theres limited options, and you have to put 4 different gems in so you cant even do stuff like stack 4 damage gems on a weapon. I get this is prolly a balancing thing but it definitely leaves something to be desired.
Example, I got a purple weapon with a 25% damage increase roll. Plus you can infuse a gem and add another 4-15%. plus all the other rolls. 4 gems with perfect rolls would only be 20% more damage with nothing else added.
I enjoy some of them. Go kill mini boss at this location. decent fight/shot at loot and some silver/exp for your trouble. But the crabs/rat ones are annoying and I just skip. No challenge, little bit of silver and a waste of time imo. Id like to see them add the bosses as bounties, maybe increase their health/damage and the reward of doing it. Reuse the assets already in the game with minor tweaking.
there’s no real difference besides armor+weight, With a well rolled purple you can pretty much negate the weight or at least most of it So there’s no reason not to where plate if you can. With only 5 points added to loadout stat, 2 mid equip load increased rolls without any gems I have 2 plate and 2 mesh equipped items. Idk how you could make them feel different but I feel like its needed. Maybe add a speed bonus/penalty. +20% for cloth, +10% for med, 0 for mesh,-10% for plate.
-Cant backstab fatties or bosses
-add more weapons at blacksmith + make the armor/weapons bought unenchantable. If you have the money you can endlessly buy a straight sword and enchant it until its a good roll. But I have only found 3 katanas in 62 hrs and they all rolled bad. Then you can start with the weapon you want and farm a better version.
Mulitplayer-I know they are adding multiplayer soon, and I read a post about maybe invasions as well or later. The invasions are welcome. But I feel it needs more then just joining or letting someone join your game. The game needs more content for groups or its just gonna feel like dark souls multiplayer. Nothing changes and bosses get a bit more hp. Maybe future crucibles will be where it shines. Hopefully they add more, and maybe a lobby system or something to make it easy to find groups farming the same content.