120 hr review - so much to love

120 hrs and its only early access - what will become of my life when 1.0 drops???

I sunk countless hundreds of hours into both Dark Souls and Diablo. I know what I’m looking for in these games. I will probably be repeating myself and others here with some of these points.

  • I love sets. I want set bonuses. Collecting sets is what kept me coming back to Diablo II/III.
  • it is way too easy to spam certain abilities with 100% focus gain. I think you’re well aware of this by now but it bears repeating.
  • I wouldn’t mind more stats on the status screen. Maybe some DPS.
  • Numerator/denominator for health and focus would be nice in the HUD.
  • Something we never got in Diablo or Souls but DID get in BG3 was the ability to send items to “camp.” I find myself destroying consumables in the field because I don’t want to a) see them in my quick select options or b) have the quick select default to say, an apple when what I need is a steak.

Things I don’t have a problem with that other people apparently do:

  • town upgrade/crafting materials times. It’s fine. It’s different. It makes you pace yourself.
  • cursed items. Yes, we should have to make some choices. Some curses make an item virtually unusable, others can be managed. This is fine. It adds some spice to the grind for loot and enchanting.
  • runes being permanent. It’s fine. Make a choice and live with it. You can always farm/upgrade another weapon.
  • no skill tree. It’s been done to death. We can live without it (didn’t need one in Souls, did we?). You want skills? You’ve got three weapon slots and three off-hands. If your weapons are all white, there’s 24 runes, 18 of which are customizable. There’s your skill tree. (speaking of off-hands, though, I’d love to have a rapier with a dagger off-hand)

What I’m on the fence about:

  • cooldowns on healing. When I’m trying to challenge myself against the Echo Knight (as opposed to spamming runes to stun-lock him), I am really aching for that back-to-back refill. One could say “skill issue”, and I’d have to just accept the fact that I was never that good at Souls, I was just lucky enough to be able to chug those flasks in time. I had an easier time with the Elden Beast than the Echo Knight in a straight up fight without cheese.

Maybe we could have faster healing and cooldowns on runes? I feel like that’d be my comfort zone. But then, maybe we should be pushed beyond our comfort zones.

I think that’s it. And I think I have to put the game down for a bit. 120 hours seems like a good place to stop and let at all sink in until the next major update. Glad to be along for this ride, it is only going to get better and better. You’re really on to something here, it is new, fresh, gorgeous and is there anyway you can get Gareth Coker to compose a few tracks for this? Music has never been a huge part of ARPGs with some exceptions but a game this good looking needs a score!


Sets could be cool if done right. I just don’t want to feel like I have to have a set to be viable, which seems to happen often.

Really hope the devs are listening to players like you and not the legions of people crying that being a mage isnt viable because they might have to melee attack once every ten minutes.
