Yolo jump at climbing spot

If you run towards a spot where one can climb down, the character happily jumps to his death.

Maybe set it in a way that the “climbable” edge is detected with higher priority. So that the character does not do this:

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Oh yes, this happened to me way more than i care to admit lol

I purposefully roll off some of these spots to ensure I don’t climb since I can survive the fall. Just dont JUMP off as this adds to height. if you roll off I think you should be safe (depending on life and I haven’t tested but maybe armor plays a role too/defense?)

but u know, the heat of the moment :joy:

Yep it appears like that… I also think that should be changed to a fixed “% of max life” per meter. Or … imho better… use “% of max life” per meter, but this also scales with weight.
→ More weight = more “% of max life” damage

Meaning, someone in full plate is hurt more than someone in a summer dress, from a fall of x meter.

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I don’t typically have an issue of going over, but I’m always very careful at these spots to make sure, which isn’t fun either (as it slows down the game).

Would like to add: make sure all climbing spots are obvious from the top. In several spots I’m going off of memory as the vines are hard to see from overhead.

well it can be on purpose, so you only find that secret cavern when you look closely and climb. But i suggest a similar approach as mentioned with sidle.

Just use when needed. So when running towards a ledge, jump. when running towards vines, slow down and climb. makes for more intuitive and fluent gameplay