Why do devs refuse to give wipe info?

I can only see 2 reasons as to why they havent responded to this inquiry… 1. They dont know if theyll need to do one based on how many changes may affect saves upon 1.0 release 2. More people will play longer and give feedback with the assumption progress is saved so they dont want to say there will be one.

Ive personally put in over 100 hours and I would like it saved and have goals for 100 more just for the current content but dont want to waste my time if I can achieve them for them to just be cleared. Unfortunately the game is so incredible its all i want to play. So i guess Ill just have to bite the 200 hour reset bullet when they decide to finally inform us wipes will be happening… oh well. I just wish they would communicate it.

Whether they do or do not know if they will need to a grey area answer of “we’re not sure yet” is totally acceptable to me. I just want to know where they are at on this decision.


I’m also interested to know

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Starting from nothing is my favorite part of every rpg games I played. I wish the online version will have season mode for people that like to start over every couple months.

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100% wipe.

If they leave it as it is for 1.0, people who played EA will be so fed and op they will just run thro content without any meaningful thought.

Also I’m already at a point with my character I just face roll everything around.

So I’m all for a clean start.


100% whipe sad because i do not have much time to play and i really love this game but after EA it needs an clean up, there was to many glitchusers and so on

wipes are to be expected. It is too early into the EA to even consider a possibility when that doesn’t happen.

The best case scenario is a BGIII solution where you can launch a game where you can play with your old character knowing that at the release probably you’ll have to start over

Definately wipes. If the game is multiplayer and even has pvp. We cant have exploited and glitched characters running around.

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I’ve seen somewhere before, either here or on Twitter, where one of the devs have mentioned that they want to avoid a wipe if possible, but if there’s no other option when the time comes around then they’ll do what they need to ship out 1.0 in as perfect a state as possible. If i find it again I’ll bring it here, but thats something ive seen.

Im not sure how i feel entirely about a full wipe, considering people have put in 100+ hours into the Early Access game already. Thats a lot of grinding to disappear. I wouldnt mind so much if there was a possiblity of “early access bonuses” for people who participated, just kind of like as a small appreciation token.

I also wouldn’t entirely mind starting from scratch either considering how little of the story has progressed.

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As long as save files are on players PC there is no reason to wipe anything. You can back up files enchant and restore anyway so who cares about glitch users if anyone can cheat there will be cheaters.

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I really hope they make all of us start from 0 when 1.0 releases.

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The world can be deleted just like your character.