Weapon Bug: Malice, Infinite recycle of first attack in attack chain

Malice has a bug where if you hold forward and re attack at certain intervals you can create an infinite recycle of the first attack in the attack chain as long as you have stamina. Could be due to Malice having a 2-hit chain.

Edit: The auto’s can also perma stunlock smaller enemies this way.

Normal Chain

malice 1

Infinite Chain

Malice 2

As a sidenote the weapon damage is fairly low and has a very lackluster moveset.

That is the thing tho, ‘‘waiting long enough’’, it is next to instant with Malice. Furthermore, it happens in conjunction with moving forward. Therefore, it leads me to believe the effect is not intended. Technically, I think, it would qualify as a bug.

Thanks for the report. sent to our design department :+1: