Non-player here. I was waiting for the addition of co-op to buy this BUT was quite excited as it looks AMAZING…
Then I started reading about the KBM controls.
I can say I would never use a controller. I own a pc. I do not play consoles as I very much dislike controllers. I use them for 2-d games such as NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA, etc and this all that I find them useful for. They are inaccurate and not fun too use. The ONLY exception so far is on the Switch. Mainly this is due to how nice the gyroscope is on the switch pro and how well it is supported in games like TotK or ROR2 or other. This is a VERY fucntional controller.
All other systems I play on controllers are a horrid experience.
Now that it has come to my attention that the game is unplayable with keyboard and mouse I will continue to wait for improvement here.
I really have basic expectations for KBM controls and did not think that anyone would really make anything less as…why would you do this?
It is essential that the character rotates to face the mouse. It is essential that when firing a weapon or swinging that the char is facing the mouse AND the weapon is aimed at the mouse. This is what allows for kiting, movement, and combat skills to all remain indepent of each other.
Automation such as auto-targeting is a deal breaker. Hardcore. This is cheating. Literally you get banned from competative online games for auto targeting hacks. Bad solution.
Just feedback. I will look in on this game still to see if progress is made but now that I have learned much about this it has been removed from my wishlist and I am no longer considering it.
Just a note.
I am sure it does not matter.
I am sure I will get community hate for this post.
Dunno man it sounds pretty bad. The lack of camera rotation does not lead me to beleive they will ever fix it. Still some games have pulled off nice WASD…see Gauntlet:Slayer Edition for some of the best action with WASD on a fixed camera. It was really good.
I even mentioned a game with a fixed camera and WASD so it seems unlikely I have a problem with the perspective in and of itself.
However games with a fixed camera present some challenges when performing diagonal movements so its likely this feed back is not useful. The devs could prlly pull it off but its simply improbable they try. And yes I likely won’t.
You seriously read that one singular post which was meh at best & ignorant at worst & thought KBM controls are bad huh? If you read old reviews those were before the patches adding in key rebinding and 2 more control schemes so a lot of those are now outdated. It really is not that bad but I wouldn’t blame you for not buying the game until they improve it more.
What I can blame you for is being biased against the entire subgenre of isometric games and against the very idea of lock on. Equating lock-on in a PVE RPG experience to cheating in a tournament is the definition of a fallacy. That just seems so small minded when you take into account how spell casting works in melee focuses games, you can on KBM also cast/shoot without the lock on it’s just another control scheme to choose from. You saying “fix” camera rotations implies that it’s a problem, it’s an insult to entire genres of incredible games.
The most valid argument I have seen as of yet against rotate to face mouse style controls is that WASD has a much harder time compensating for any angles beyond up/down/left/right. Which is constraining when the paths lead in diagonals or wander oddly. This is why a non rotating camera presents some interesting challenges. I don’t feel its hard to compensate myself BUT the argument is certainly sound.
Any game with a score board that is live…is competative. I have not been in tournaments. Dunno what to tell you about auto targeting…it is wholely appropriate for a strategy game or some such but in a game where part of the fun is hacking things up it kills the mood. That is completely subjective so take it as you will.
I have read MANY things about the controls. What ‘one post’ are you even talking about?
The controls are obviously good with a controller and lacking with a kbm. I did not think that was highly disputed…
My apologies the way you talked about the KBM controls seemed like it came from one singular source on this forum recently who did a very bad job explaining their opinions since it felt AI generated and played maybe 5 minutes of the game. The Multiplayer is currently… not in the game yet so that’s why your argument on it is a fallacy and it mostly equates shooters having lock on for cheating to a melee combat game. The game is a PVE experience first & PVP second so far(according to roadmap) so again weird equation to make in this experience and from someone who plays both types of games it sounds like the kind of elitism shooter-players say when they try something new hence why I dogged on that opinion.
I don’t dispute the KBM controls are lacking what I am disputing is you labeling them as unplayable and writing it like the devs just stepped on the keyboard & imported that control scheme into the game. The current control scheme I find serviceable, 3rd option I’d say 7/10, serviceable enough to beat the optional, very difficult boss after an adjustment period because I do love the game enough that I want to find all possible complaints for it. The fact that your character doesn’t truly face the mouse is valid and something I’ve brought up to them thing is that’s not the only way to play the game. KBM with lock-on isn’t cheating it’s just to orient the player character, the player character still does shoot where you aim & where your mouse is.