Trick Weapons from Bloodborne

It occurred to me that this mechanic could work really well in Wicked, on top of just being EXTREMELY cool.

Imagine getting a unique trick weapon where one of the rune slots is permanently set with a “transform” option that doesn’t consume any focus.

Attacking, followed immediately by using this rune could do some really cool transformation attacks, and the overall trick-weapon mechanic could allow for us to carry essentially two weapons with the carry weight of one.

Some balancing to keep it fair would be necessary of course. Perhaps each “variant” of the weapon can only have one or two additional rune slots.

While on the topic of Bloodborne. I think there’s an opportunity for some cool enchantments too based on the title such as:

  1. Enchantment that lets you regain some health if you retaliate quickly enough against an enemy that hurt you.

  2. Offhand crossbow or pistol that drains enemy poise if you time a shot right as an enemy attack is about to land.

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This is a great idea. I suggested a similar idea in another topic which would be combo linking by switching weapons. Each weapon could have a unique combo linker move when switched into, allowing for unique weapon combinations and longer combos.

I saw that! Thanks for your validation!! Haha

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