Torn Crawler Hitbox and armor calculations

Hello there!

I divided this into 3 parts so its easier to understand.

For the first part:

It seems u can hit the Torn Crawler before they even show up by guessing the spot they are and attacking preemptively (i already knew 2 of them usually spawn in there always). That means if a player die’s or create distance and they burrow again or know where they can die before even showing up by simply shooting/attacking that very spot.

Video1 -

For the second part:

Before i start do take into account my calculations aren’t exactly accurate but very close and due to diferent numbers either one of them has wrong dmg calculations or X special attack follow’s diferent calculations.

Now i did knew for a while that those torn crawler’s grabbing special attack hit’s… really really hard. In fact its probably the highest dmg attack in this whole game even though they are stationary their only weakness. I’m unsure if its intended or perhaps that mob its the famous “mimic” of DnD in general in NRFTW where its dmg means certain death and i do find that amusing to a certain extend. As for his other attack’s they are fine. Regarless will place the dmg calculations and the videos showing the numbers.

The video above has a second timestamp for the crawler grabbing attack with all the information in regards to armor/hp on my character. All videos being show bellow have the timestamp to easily navigate on the video description, i was gonna add video sections but sadly youtube famous section bugs wont allow me for the present time. I will link it again -

Video1 -

This next video is the crawler dmg while my char is naked (0 armor).

Video2 -

This next video is me using a example of another mob with a similar attack pattern (grab attack) - the Ninth Leviathan (first show as a mini boss and later as a regular not so common mob in the overworld).

Video3 -

For the third and final part - the damage calculations:

The torn crawler hits twice for 257 and 258 of damage with no armor VS 78 twice with a geared char having 1085 armor and 158 Health or 205 with the Pulse of Health Rune. Having those stats in hp seem normal to me for a begginer player but u need to consider less than half the armor for any player still progressing the game. That mean’s certain death in the first special hit without even reaching the second hit if we take a look into armor value shown above:

If 1085 armor = 78 dmg taken that is around 69,64% damage reduction where the rest the 30,35% is the damage taken (78). So the Armor Ratio is around 15,58 armor per 1% damage reduction. So less than 50% of 1085 armor, lets say 200 - 400 armor (depending on players preferences - cloth/light/heavy armor) and using the 257 dmg number then he hits twice between 224 (200 armor) to 191 damage (400 armor).

The only thing that concerns me is the fact that the numbers don’t add up if we take into account the Ninth Leviathan showed in Video3. Either one of those mobs is doing incorrect damage, im missing something or my calculations are simply wrong.

The Ninth leviathan was mean’t only to be used as a comparison with the torn crawler as they both having a grabbing special attack to show either the Ninth Leviathan grabbing attack is too weak or the torn crawler grabbing attack is too strong.

However the damage calculations vs armor dont add up if we compare the Video3. Play it on 0,25 speed before clicking on the time stamp in case u want to check how many times he hits.
The Ninth leviathan hits 5 times doing 6 of damage on each attack with 1085 armor. While naked (0 armor) he hits 5 times doing 18 of damage on each attack. The calculations are simple but diferent.
For a Ninth Leviathan Grabbing attack - 1085 armor = 66,66% damage reduction from armor where 6 equals 33,33% damage VS 18 damage with 0 armor.

To finish up having the armor number used (1085) on both mobs:
69,64% damage reduction from armor VS Torn Crawler
66,66% damage reduction from armor VS Ninth Leviathan

If u could perhaps clarify whether my calculations are wrong or the mobs damage calculations are wrong or i’m missing something i would appreciate it. Thank u.

thank you for the report, i have sent to the design team