Crucible Damage Bugged

I was doing a naked run (well naked with a hat) and I noticed I took really low damage. Like maybe 20% of my hp from one of the new big guys. So I threw on some armor as seen below and got hit again and it looked like I took about the same amount of damage. So something’s going on here.

Did a test, got hit by a wormy belly dude in the crucible, took about 5% damage. Got hit by the same attack in the open world, died (as expected)

Thank you for the report!

are you able to send your character and realm files, so we can investigate some things?

you can find them in the DataStore folder here

C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\DataStore

I’ve changed my gear since then but hopefully this helps.