The unfortunate Cerim armor situation, and a lack of transparency in the enchantment tooltips

So after redeeming the Cerim armor set, i went to enchant it, beacuse why not? Turns out, that my chestplate got enchanted with one of the worst possible curse effects-Experience loss on damage taken. The enchantment is irreversible, the armor can only be redeemed once. I understand the “Weigh your choices approach”, but in such a overall terrific game a design choice like that is baffling. The armor SHOULD BE REDEEMABLE MORE THAN ONCE.
Ps. nowhere in the enchantment tooltip does it say, that the item can come out actually cursed. By that logic, items should be able to enchant into legendaries, at a low % chance. They can’t be though, as legendary items are hand crafted by the devs ( best weapons in the game ). Blatant mistake by the developers. The Cerim armor situation in discussion forums should be dealt with asap.

Love this game, thank you devs. We all see you listening to feedback

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Perhaps you can edit the title to refer more directly to the cerim armor? That would increase visibility for people that agree with you

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Will do, thanks for the tip!

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Indeed, the dev did mess up the Cerim set situation, not by only giving us one, but by not giving us the crafting plan for it. If it is an early access only set, give us the Blueprint so we can farm and craft as many of it as we want and hope for a decent roll.


Good point, should be craftable, or if they want add transmog, as a transmog.

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Actually a very nice way to approach the current situation. A blueprint to craftwith some high level mats seems like the best solution!