Stun / Poise system

Hi, will there be some sort of poise system in the game. Something that the better it or the more the invests, the less likely player attacks are interrupted from damage. I would see this particularly useful for players with slower attacks weapons. This is just an idea to discuss.

Good news! From the pre-early access build, Poise is displayed on the character page (under Armor on the defense column).


Oh wow. That answers it. Thanks

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In addition to the stat, I’m guessing that’s what the second icon is on armor and shield items:


The left icon of the shield is probably armor. The right icon of… I don’t know. Bigfoot riding a snowboard? That’s probably what the item contributes to your Poise stat–because nothing says poise like a Sasquatch on a snowboard.


Bigfoot riding a snowboard

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That’s the poise defense stat :slight_smile: