Stats - The Damage Stat issue

While I didn’t initially feel this way, some insightful Reddit posts helped me change my mind. Currently there is an issue with the “damage” stats (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith)
The issue is that all builds are the same (essentially) aside from weapon choice. I currently run a Str/Int sword build. But it’s no different than a Str sword build or a Dex sword build, aside from weapon. I think the stats should be more impactful.
To that end I think each of the damage stats should have a secondary effect, which makes each build different.

Str should give some poise (an example - maybe 1 poise per 5 strength) and armor (1 armor per 2 Str)
Dex could give %stamina recovery and/or %movespeed
Int could give %focus attack damage
And finally
Faith could give additional elemental resists (maybe +1 in each stat per 2 Faith?)

What this would achieve is a small but meaningful difference between builds- a Strength greatsword build will be tankier against physical hits than a Int/Faith greatsword build, but the Int/Faith build would have harder hitting focus attacks and better magic resist.
This makes stats feel like they matter, and makes each type of damage stat more focused on a unique playstyle.