So I’ve been playing since day1, hotfix’s didn’t have this issue, only since Patch 1.
I played most of my time in exclusive fullscreen mode, after patch 1, I started getting crash to desktops, but it was random and isn’t exactly reproducible.
A couple fast travels did it, entering or leaving some vendor houses would have it happen too… and various other times but lets say in Fullscreen exclusive mode I have crashed about 10 times over just a couple days of playing sessions.
Sometimes losing 10mins progress, sometimes a few mins depending on my actions and save state triggers.
I came here and looked up performance issue threads, and someone said their fullscreen windowed mode was maybe the play vs dedicated modes (they mentioned smoothness but whatever, worth a try)
So I switched to windowed mode for a few days over multiple hours, zero crashes. So, okay… so far so good, went back to exclusive fullscreen and crashed within the hour, twice.
Now back to windowed fullscreen last few days and no crashes.
Just putting it out there,… if crashing to desktop and you run exclusive fullscreen, try windowed fullscreen and see how it fares.