Twice today the game has crashed to Desktop when using >Fast Travel to Sacrament<
The first time was just before the Boss Twins as I was in the area finding my way up to the Boss,… I headed back to City to drop my gear off, Fast Travel and Crash.
Then again after I beat the boss, heading back to town…Crash.
Never happened before since Day 1, only after this today’s update (Patch 1)
I can’t get a picture obviously, nor can I reproduce it.
Twice though… both times heading back to Sacrament from the Twins location.
Just crashed again in Sacrament leaving one of the Vendors shops…
Whittaker’s Crafting Shop.
This is getting way too frequent already in one day, I can’t get screenshots, looks like I have to wait for Patch 2 before I can try to play/test. This randomized CTD is frustrating.
I crash about every 30-1 hour into my game. I just finished the entire crucible, started reading up on the final boss fight and crashed. came back in to a reset space. nice waste of 40 minutes. You should at least make it so you spawn right back in where you left off even if you’re mid-crucible. pretty crap feeling.