Fast Travel - CRASH TO DESKTOP (MULTIPLE) Since Update 1 Dropped

Twice today the game has crashed to Desktop when using >Fast Travel to Sacrament<
The first time was just before the Boss Twins as I was in the area finding my way up to the Boss,… I headed back to City to drop my gear off, Fast Travel and Crash.

Then again after I beat the boss, heading back to town…Crash.

Never happened before since Day 1, only after this today’s update (Patch 1)

I can’t get a picture obviously, nor can I reproduce it.
Twice though… both times heading back to Sacrament from the Twins location.

(Logs+DXDiag+Datastore Folder)

Edit=Adding more info.

Just crashed again in Sacrament leaving one of the Vendors shops…
Whittaker’s Crafting Shop.

This is getting way too frequent already in one day, I can’t get screenshots, looks like I have to wait for Patch 2 before I can try to play/test. This randomized CTD is frustrating.

I also encountered the same problem, it would suddenly crash every few minutes or even tens of seconds. I use Proton Experimental on linux :pensive:

I crash about every 30-1 hour into my game. I just finished the entire crucible, started reading up on the final boss fight and crashed. came back in to a reset space. nice waste of 40 minutes. You should at least make it so you spawn right back in where you left off even if you’re mid-crucible. pretty crap feeling.