Send Grinnich on a scavenger hunt

Imagine, instead of Grinnich having random trash all the time, how about you tell him what to hunt for? and then he vanishes for a couple of hours/minutes? and returns with a variety of sth related?

And then he dies on his third mission because the area was super dangerous and find his dead body somewhere lying in that area :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Grinnich - Greiratā€¦ both start with ā€œGā€ā€¦ hmmmā€¦

Jokes aside, I really wish heā€™d restock more frequently and a bigger variety of different tier items. When his shop is levelled to tier 2 heā€™ll sometimes offer upgrade/crafting mats for tier 2, but once upgraded to tier 3, it seems to be only tier 3 items, which can make collecting tier 2 items you might need even more annoying.

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yes, i was thinking this today and it would be nice to have system like this, send him to look specific tier materials, lets say if i need tier 1 materials he go find it for 5minutes, if i need him to hunt tier 3 materials he go scavenge 15minutes, also chests should yield higher stacks of materials because that would make sense, the bigger chest the more materials and gems to be found.