Rykker's video is up!

Yeah! I’ve been waiting for this, now it’s available. :slight_smile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFDa0dmh3XA


Will the game feature auto-capture enemy (focus only on him until you kill him)? I’ll have to bring up the topic, what players think:)
The verticality of the game is cool. It’s interesting to experience how areas, enemies, tasks on the map will change after the first visit. Flexible character customization, what can be runes, maybe new weather conditions, cycles of day and night, what it will provide - all this that is in the game and may be in the future sounds already ambitious.

I already have an idea to have the Warrick boss return in a future chapter and when teleporting or approaching your house you watch a cutscene of the last splinters of your house being blown away:)) It’s revenge. He destroyed it, you will have a more bloody fight with a new version of the boss and you will have to start building the house again:) Now you have to find someone who is in the business of resurrecting enemies. The main point here is how much magic and sorcery motifs are in the game. If they are present, the return of the enemy is easy to play. If they are not present, a quest can be added.
Let’s say no to click spam! Thanks:)