To upcoming classess naming and class fantasy.
Barbarians fantasy is
Heavy belt that stabilizes spine/back to lift heavy weapons and Heavy sword/hammer/axe. and not the PLATE armour.
Barbarian should be called juggernaut or titan or whatever, but Plate armor negates the barbarian fantasy.
There’s no single pop-culture character that wears plate armor called barbarian. Imagine Conan the barbarian - the entire precoursor and classical barbarian fantasy while conan wears the plate armor?.. it’s against the fantasy of the barbian class.
Please left barbarian for future - for STR character but more mobile - that wears fur/leather armor. With advanced class: berserker that wields dual wielding axes. But don’t call “plate” warrior a barbarian. Barbarians hunt animals in fantasy and wear them as tropheum.
as well as barbarian as berserkers are more mobile classes and not the tanks.