I found that Shift + V changes the lighting mode from creating an Aura of light around the character (not a fan) and the other removes this aura of light around the character which is how I enjoy to play. I will say I hope the devs do not remove this feature. I have never liked the idea that my character glows which in turn washes out the center of the game and creates what I call a Reverse Vignette.
If you are like me and dislike seeing a light around your character while playing (also why I don’t use torch) or find it hard to see in dark area’s you can change from the Default Lighting Mode with Shift + V or back to the mode with extra Light.
Nice. To me that sounds like someone forgot to comment out the debugging function in the code 
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So long as I get to keep no light aura mode I’m happy to have found it.
I’m even thinking of doing a playthrough in Black and White just because. game looks really good in Black and White. I like these types of options in games too.
The bigger of the ideas being imagine playing the game with different graphics styles.
Cel Shaded / Low Poly / No Textures / Cartoon / Noir etc.
Why did you remove this?
Now we’re stuck with the idea of a glowing character or fake lighting.
Why do Devs think this makes sense? I dislike the torch, I dislike that weapons have a circular light instead of the shape of the weapon when enchanted with electric and I dislike that my character now GLOWS as if they are light themselves.
Please stop doing this in gaming.
If you can’t create proper lighting in dark areas for players to see based on ambient lighting or forced (torch) then don’t add dark areas yet or place a torch in-game so lighting makes sense. Not a glowing character.
Adding a Fake Light Source to the character is the easiest way to ensure a game looks wrong the whole time a person plays as you are quite literally washing out the image center…which forces a Vignette and makes the game appear “tunneled” and thus remove immersion and remove focus of anything further from the center of screen. This being the world you designed.
PLEASE Turn this back on. I simply can’t stand fake lighting around a character. We have Torches. That’s what Torches are for, if I can’t see I’ll use a torch.
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They most likely removed it because it was probably a developer tool left in the game.
This is my issue. How is this TOOL breaking.
They removed proper lighting in place of their fake lighting and called it a tool.
Then I ask ANY Developer. What is thsi TOOL and why is it not just an option or more-so why is it not the Default option as the Dev Tool was the correct lighting mode for the game. They removed it and kept the fake one. Why remove real for fake and then call it a tool and not an option?
How does this break the game?
How does this 1 little thing 1 person in the world noticed matter to the vast majority that had absolutely no clue about it?
What’s the issue? I simply need some for of explanation because they made a beautiful game and added fake lighting to it and completely broke the immersion and lighting/shadow work of the game inf avor of a fake light source that negates torches and lanterns already in the game.
My Character is BRIGHTER than a torch? This makes no sense. It just boggles my mind because they had PROPER lighting and purposefully removed it ONLY AFTER I mentioned it.
I don’t want to talk to much as I’m already immediately disappointed with this change. I haven’t even tested 1 other thing. I immediately tested lighting and came here to post about the fake light, fake shadows and negation of all light sources in the game beyond the one in the sky. They removed an option, not a tool.
Dev will have to explain how this Tool is NOT an option possible to keep in the game. I see nothing wrong letting 1 person use this light mode that NOBODY else knew about, not even the Developer who created it remembered to remove it. Ever known a mechanic to forget their tools?