Realm Settings could be the solution to make multiple player bases happy

There has been an ongoing debate on some controversial topics like:

  • vendors should sell/not sell refined products/materials
  • realistic storage/unlimited storage
  • focus/stamina regeneration/on hit procs

I think the best way to solve the problem would be to have realm settings. Players (like me) who would love to have a more survival-oriented experience could have limited storage and manually farm for resources, while others who prefer a more ARPG approach could have their cake, too.

This would not create any problems in multiplayer, either, cause people would know which kind of realm they are joining from the realm selection screen, which hopefully would list the settings and the quest progress of the available realms.

I dont agree. This game definately needs a set difficulty.

You want to be amazed when you inspect fellow players or see their equipment screenshots knowing they earned / grinded for it. Like back in Vanilla WoW.

With different difficulties some players would be BiS playing hello kitty island realm.

EDIT:Not every player need to be able to complete the crucible. And why would you want skip ahead? The game having some time consuming mechanics means you can enjoy it for a long time. Who’d want this gem of a game be gone through too soon?


Yeah, as a person who absolutely dissatisfied with the removal of refined resources from vendors such as ingots and planks (but mostly because there is no reliable alternative to gather them from the world), I think that players should be able to customize their experience with the game.

The game has so much to offer to different audiences. It’s going to be a bummer if devs will create a game which will be cater to only one specific type of gamers.

A game for everyone is a game for no one. Period.


Difficulty selection has nothing to do with that statement.

The silver scarcity issue, is only an issue right now in EA. Most likely it is done for data collection. They wanted to see how the game felt with ingots and now without. It could also be done in preparation for when new areas are added. Since it felt we were slightly ahead of the power curve with full silver upgrades.

I can see realm settings work for resource drop rates like wood/ores. That’s is easier to achieve. But not change how vendor systems work. Nor for storage or affix values. Especially if affixes are usable in PvP.

Realm settings to change such systems is a bad idea. Why do you need realm settings when you can just place one chest for realistic storage or multiple of you want unlimited.

Don’t get me wrong. I think realm settings can offer solutions for other issues. Just not the ones you described.


Great point about PvP. It would be great to have PvP/PvE realms and respective armor sets with affixes or without them (or something like that). If you want more relaxed approach to the game to primarily experience storyline you can play PvE. And if you prefer more competitive and challenging experience you can create PvP realm.

Ok, I understand that players like @RomoloHero or @Noktu are interested in a “fair” PVP/multiplayer experience, and that realm setting would create disparities. Fair enough. Enable realm settings for single-player toons only. So, at least if you want your custom experience, you can have it, and since your toon will be limited to single-player, no other player is affected.


Yeah, I think for PvE realms it makes more sense. Some people don’t have hours to gather resources or wait 1 hour for smelting to complete. Those players should be able to have a customized experience tailored to their wants.


Why not have a clear distinction from PVE only and PVP characters?

PVP realms have a set difficulty. PVE only realms have difficulty options.

If you want a strictly “fair” experience mark your character as PVP. You could also give the option to copy your character from PVP to PVE only and starting the game on PVP settings. → Baseline would be “fair”, but you can always decide to play with your buddies in a more relaxed atmosphere (just leave your loot with them :wink: )

I really dislike how PVP as an argument almost always trumps design space …

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I think having PvP and PvE characters is a good idea.

I don’t want to go too much off topic. But I have some concerns about PvP and about how it will be implemented.

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Same here. :X

PvP can very much ruin or at least heavily diminish the PvE experience, if not executed well. Balance > Fun is the main issue.

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what the developers had in mind they told that in any realm that have multiplayer turn on is automatically a pvp enviroment (friendlyfire) but the damage is nerfed so if you want a fair pvp compat you need to go arena. they told that the game gets too easy if everyone just stagger enemies constantly by mashing them at the same time so with friendlyfire you have to aproach enemies one by one carefully so i doubt there will be pvp and pve realms when co-op.

not sure if they will add settings to make realms easier but the prize for getting loot should not be the same with easier realms, but yet again if that is the case then im afraid that people going to eventually argue that they should have acces the same loot what everyone else (as we already see people wanting to get easier acces for upgrades when it ment to be harder to accuire) so it changes nothing. if they decide to give same loot for everyone harder or easier then there is rarely a reason to go harder realm if you get everything more easily (thats just human nature)

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Hmm, maybe its smarter to restrict access to the arena then?
They already said, there would be hidden matchmaking mechanics (based on whether people have cheated), why not have those not hidden for difficulty settings.

Its nice to have everyone on the same page, but that pushes the hardcore vs casual argument.

I play different games on different difficulty settings (usually based on whether playing on higher difficulty is a chore).

In the end its a design question. Personally I think I prefer either difficulty settings, or a more casual experience overall with a high ceiling in the far endgame and strong restrictions for PvP.

Exacly, they can’t just add set difficulity, then entire balance of game will be fucked for all of us, look as how fromsoftware is doing that there is NO set difficulty and what their games can be easy or hard dependingly on how much you have invested time in the RPG element. You can go farm have a lot bigger level soo you can do boss easier.

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Lies I couldnt care less how they got what they have. I want an enjoyable game not time wasters to keep me playing longer. The survival aspects are boring and wasted time. The entire city upgrade system should be removed as it is a waste of time. I don’t mind it being locked behind progressing but the Emphasis on survival and crafting stuff has to go away

i think the game tries already to create a system where its easier for people to proggress (co-op and new areas what have higer tier crafting materials more available) or harder if you prefer to challenge your self when playing solo, but not yet implemented. also there will be ceiling for harder content (crucible) for people not to challenge if they find it too hard but still can proggress with the game.


I am not sold on this point. Take “hardcore” game modes in ARPGs and roguelikes, for instance. You don’t get more loot or better rewards for playing a “harder” mode (I guess nothing can be harder than permadeath), yet some players love the challenge. If the settings only became harder from the baseline (and not easier, otherwise as someone already mentioned, there would be an imbalance in loot or PVP), I do not see what problems could cause giving players who want an extra challenge the opportunity to enjoy a harder game (like, for instance, not being able to buy crafted food nor ingredients and having to fully farm and craft whatever they need).

Dont spend time on your city then. Go and visit your friends upgraded city.

You dont even need to upgrade anything to be able to beat the story.

Why even waste time installing the game and pay for it? Sounds like watching someone else play it on youtube sounds like the best option for you.


The combat don’t exist? If you’d watch someone farm for city upgrades you should be playing Minecraft I clearly downloaded it to play the game an action rpg not to put hours into unlocking a stair case or elevator not tied to progressing but just moving around the hub quicker . The city building is a L and should be tied to progressing not farming useless materials it is a time sink.