PvPvE plagued arena

An arena of 4vs4. Map will be small-medium. Some traps and stuff, like crucible.

The team with more points win the match, 2 or 3 rounds.

When a player gets killed the other team gets 1 point. But a plagued creature (Tier I) will rise, killing plagued creatures doesn’t grant points.

At the first 10 sec the plagued will be resentful, so it will only attack the opposite team. After that it will attack everyone.

If a plagued (Tier I) kills a player then a tier II plagued will rise, an so on. (Maybe the limit will be tier III). If a player gets killed by a plagued creature there won’t be a resentful condition.

Whenever a plagued attacks a player the player will get contaminated, if the player dies in the next 20 sec under this condition a plagued will rise. If the enemy team kills a contaminated player they will be granted 1 point but a resentful tier II plagued creature will rise.

The only time when a plagued won’t rise would be in the 1vs1 escenario at the end of the battle. One player kills another and the round ends.

If the last standing is a Cerim, his/her team will be granted points.

If the plagued thrives and kills all the players. Both teams lose points.

Maps could have leavers/switches to open-close gates or walls. So you could affect the landscape influencing the battle, isolating and trapping players or protecting teammates from plagued creatures.

The goal will be to survive, so that would be the most rewarded regarding points.

Hopefully, there will be many escenarios where both teams will have to play together and cooperate to kill a plagued and avoid fighting betwen them in order to prevent a tier III or a masive rising of plagued creatures. Pacing and strategy will be required. But players could also take advantage of the map by controling or pulling a lever to leave some players fight with plagued for a while. Other maps could be bland and simple, just fighting and pacing.

There could be Tier IV infected and/or more variables. Timed matchs and after time passes plagued go stronger. It’s just a raw idea.

Points and second here are just for referencing. Could be X amount.

What do you think?

Modes like this will be really cool. Also 3v3, 2v2 and 1v1.
But… IMO this is nice-to-have in the future. I think they should finish the acts and co-op first, then they can make cool stuff like this

Sure, this will be a 1.0 thing. But lets keep dreaming about it. Maybe brainstorming will help to make this happen a little bit faster.