Potion buff duration

I wanted to bring this up for conversation.

I feel like basic food / potions and oils that provide a 60 second buff, could maybe be a bit longer in duration. Lets say 3 minutes is already a very short time to get most out of a potion.

When the jump in some buff food is already 10x longer at 10 minutes conpared to the meager potions.

And how little the potions actually grant player power for such a short time. Currently I just vendor all potions except focus ones.

What do you lads and ladies think?

Yep, for the most part I don’t engage very much with potions and some foods simply because they don’t last long enough to get any value out of them.

During boss fights especially, you can feel as though you’ve wasted half the value of a potion waiting for an opening. While that sounds ok on paper, because it encourages you to drink at opportune times, it only encourages me to sink more gold/time into hoarding enough consumables to upkeep their given buff.

If we were limited to one potion buff and one food buff at a time, I think it’d be very fair to increase a lot of their durations. I think most potion buffs should last at least 60 seconds, and food buffs should be more long lived at around 240-600 seconds

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I think medium potions have no sense right now. I understand the tiny potions but the medium have nothing compared to the big.

They have to increase duration and effect on medium potions.


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3 mins sounds fair. Sounds like elden ring potion timers when i am right?

And yes, i agree with 60sec are to short to value much.
I never cared about potions in general and thats also a problem. Like with gems, potions need to be more meaningful.

In Elden Ring for example you drink every potion you can to beat the boss and thats often not enough …