Pc perfmance seems worse with latest hotfix 5? is my rig not good enough?

Hi everybody.#, I don’t normally post on forums or community sites in general but I really love this game and I’m getting concerned about my pc performance in this game since the latest patch or patches. I feel although on launch it ran somewhat smooth but now i feel as though im dipping into 30 alot or 40’s in most areas and staying that way consistently. My pc isn’t the beefiest granted but I would like to know anyones thought if its my pc not being able to handle this game or maybe some updates will help fix? or am I able to run this game 60 frames smooth at 1080p always with my rig?


RTX 4070 12gb
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor 4.70 GHz

Is my rig not good enough to run this game at 60 fps on 1080P? I dont play 4k cause im happy with just plain 1080p?

If anyone can let me know if my rig is not good enough I would be happier knowing :slight_smile: (Im not very good with pc information)

try updating drivers? im playing with gtx 1070 ti with intel i3 CPU and with the lates patch im up to 80 to 110 fps and super hevy scenes drop to 60fps and rarely below and my setting is at quality.

Are you refering to my GPU driver because that is up to date it says? is it my cpu that could be causing the problem? i recently just bought it?

dont know, maybe there is windows update or too many tasks in backround when you play? did you try to monitor your performance with rivatunerstatistics or similar?

Hmm, I have 1660ti + intel i5-10300H - usually fps in the world 24-25 indoors 30+ to 50-rarely. Today passed the last boss, and it seems the third act is not optimized at all, because it became all very bad as at the beginning of the game before the patches.

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this is weird, i’m on a gtx 1060 (6gb VRAM) i7 6700HQ (a laptop) 16gb ddram, game is not on my SSD but HDD, and i’m most of the time around the 30 fps, i’ll go lower if it’s raining, or if i have a fire enchanted weapon out XD

i struggle to believe this. i have a 1070 (not ti) and an i7 cpu and i am lucky if i get to 40fps on performance settings.

thats the truth tough

what are you using to get that info on the top left?

rivatunerstatisticserver, its addon for msi afterburner

I have noticed the same thing. Seems hotfix 6 instead of improving the performance has worsten everything. Now when i die it takes over 20 seconds to load back Sacrament, and i have RTX 3070. I am also experiencing some stuttering more than before. The devs have not solved the issue of crossing the zones because when i go from sacrament to the other zones crossing the bridges, i always have performance issues and the enviroment takes forever to load.

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hello everyone
I confirm fps fall : 4080+amd 3800x (100% rendering, 1440p)
with last updete drivers 20-30-40-50 fps sometimes;
Town: 40-50.