OUR Ideas for Unique Enchantments

Inspired by @RomoloHero’s excellent thread on sourcing concise wishlists!

Thomas Mahler on twitter mentioned that they hope to expand the way enchantments work to create very unique abilities, mentioning an example of an enchantment that makes enemies explode after death (doing damage to enemies and the player if they aren’t careful)

I’d LOVE to see Wicked go beyond what most ARPGs do and come up with actually cool utilities for enchantments that encourage players to interact with the games mechanics in surprising ways, as opposed to just “+ 12% plague damage”

In the spirit of that, I thought I’d create a thread where we can list off ideas for cool enchantments we’d like to see:

  1. Aspect of Sanguine Power: Player is Empowered or receives some buffs by stepping in blood (game registers blood pools by giving you bloody footprints. So I bet this is feasible!)

  2. Aspect of True Grit: Attacking right when an enemy attack lands negates a % of damage and buffs your attack

  3. Aspect of Uno-Reverse: Attacking or raising shield when an enemy projectile lands deflects it back toward the enemy

  4. Aspect of Timely Destruction: Releasing the charge attack button the moment it fully charges (there’s a UI element in game already!) buffs your attack

  5. Aspect of Domination: Fatal backstabs instead turn the enemy into a friendly plagued archetype.

  6. Aspect of Patient Destruction: Attacking, then delaying before your next attack button press speeds up the rest of your combo and/or buffs it. (Inspired by delayed input combos from other games like Dragons Dogma, DMC, God of War)

  7. Aspect of Spectral Companionship: Using a rune attack at full focus spawns a ghostly clone that does the same attack at a lower damage output. (Inspired by Diablo 4’s Rogue ultimate ability, balanced by only triggering at full focus)

  8. Aspect of Singularity: Charging heavy attacks creates a singularity on your character that slowly sucks enemies in.

  9. Aspect of Meteor: Aerial ground-pound attacks create an elemental AOE effect

  10. Aspect of Assassin’s Cunning: Backstabs give the player a speed boost.

  11. Aspect of Homing: thrown explosives home in on enemies the player is locked onto

  12. Aspect of the Good Hunter: after receiving damage, player has a certain amount of time to regain X % of health by retaliating (inspired by Bloodborne)

Let me know your ideas!


basic affixes

attack make enemies more vulnerable
attack make enemies sleep/stunned for x time
attack make anemies bleed/poison (dot damage)
attack make enemies slower
blocking attack makes enemies lose focus/stamine

  1. Aspect of coronavirus: when enemy(s) is poisoned the poison starts to eat the enemys brain and the enemy turns to your minion for x amount of time and explode after the effect ends.

  2. Aspect of God: when the enemy is sleep/stunned he starts to hallusinate and see God who give him order to make a suicide.

  3. Aspect of blackhole: when you hit enemy with your hammer so hard that the pressure squeeze the enemy matter to blackhole and starts to suck everyone in a x radius in it and they dissapear foreverand time in that room stops.

  4. Aspect of Archer: increase the number, speed and damage of skills that can be shoot or thrown by x amount and make your character immune to all damage for 10 minutes

“Aspect of Coronavirus” is hilarious Hahha

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Some cool idears here!

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First of all, fantastic idea for a post.

I do had some ideas for some conditional affixes, but I’m gonna need some time on those. My brain is a bit overworked atm, so I’m gonna reserve some of my affix ideas and I’ll edit those in later.

Here is what I have for now:

  1. Ragnarok: Create Flames when you deal Heat damage. Flames are heat seeking missiles that will become active after X seconds and will seek out nearby aggro’d enemies, prioritizing low health enemies; Flames have a spawn cd to mitigate attack speed abuse.

  2. Cocytus: Create Glacial Spikes when you deal Cold damage. Glacial Spikes erupt from enemies hit by Cold damage, both dealing damage in an aoe around them as well as applying stagger. Glacial Spikes have an internal cd to mitigate attack speed eploits.

  3. ‘‘Insert Lightning Monster Name Here’’: Create a Chain Lightning when you deal Lightning damage. Chain Lightning bounces from enemies hit by Lightning damage to other nearby enemies, bouncing up to X times. Chain Lightning has a cooldown to prevent attack speed squander.

  4. Black Death: Enemies affected by the Plague Status effect spread the effect to nearby enemies. The Plague Status effect has a greater effect.

  5. Armor Crusher: Apply a stacking exposure buff that increases damage by X%, stacks up to Y times. Affix value is weapon specific, depending on attack speed and damage.

  6. Ghostly Echo’s: Every attack has an X% chance to summon a ghostly effigy that mimics your attack at reduced effectiveness. Affix value is weapon specific, depending on attack speed.

  7. Elemental Retaliation: Basically, for each elemental variant. Whenever you take damage an X% chance to retaliate with elemental damage, and a cool visual.

  8. Lifeline: Every attack that draws the blood of an enemy fills a blood orb behind you, when below X% HP. The Blood Orb replenishes your HP up to X%.

  9. Battle Rage: chance to become enraged, increasing damage, attack speed and damage reflection.

  10. Michael Bay: Charged Attacks trigger an Heat Explosion on enemies.

  11. t.b.d.

  12. t.b.d.

Edit: added number 10, probably one of my favorite ones now I think about it.


I actually made a similar post to this! I’m just going to shamelessly link it here.

I do wish to add that I think evolving past the “Increased damage by X%” is great. Every item can become essentially a mini-legendary that you’d find in other ARPGs. This game is more slow-paced and isn’t about having so many skills up at once, the moment-to-moment is more emphasized here so the gear should reflect it.

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@RomoloHero these are all excellent, as usual

Sorry, didn’t mean to impose over your thread, my bad!

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Please don’t apologize! If anything the more the merrier. I want amazing enchantments gosh dang it!

Thank you!

I like this one a lot, I was thinking about something vampire themed but couldn’t really get an idea.

This one makes me feel like I get a +9 to my manliness so I like it.

Also, I was so excited to give my thoughts on the matter that I completely glossed over:

And ended up creating something similar, great minds think alike :joy:

I always like reading your posts/topics.

This post has me thinking now. Would it be best to place these mini-legendary affixes as enchantments and remove the pure stat ones, or have a combo of both? There was a post here that suggested a combo of both.

EDIT: Located the post.

@DankMemeGod Id definitely say a mix of both would be cool.

Now idk how it would look in terms of balancing between rarities. Maybe some “affixes” are considered middle of the road and have a chance to drop on blue gear, whereas cursed gear can have a “greater” affix.

But overall, I think gear having 2 or 3 stat based enchantments and 1 cool unique enchantment that changes your play style would work well

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I think that will depend on how they handle attributes. If attributes take over the current affixes and enchantments become this, then maybe?

It’d still prefer a hybrid I think. Or maybe different enchantment slots work differently. We have 5 total, and the cost of an affix ranges from 1-3 slots.

@WolfieZee @RomoloHero

I think you’re both on the right track. It would ultimately depend on what we’re getting in the future in terms of new systems or reworked systems (i.e. the new attribute bonuses).

Some enchantments taking up more “slots” could be a way to go as well. Destiny 2 tried a similar system, albeit not well balanced. We’d need passive bonuses somewhere but I don’t want it to be the bulk of it.

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@DankMemeGod @RomoloHero

This is one of those discussions that feels kinda dangerous sometimes, because we’re at the risk of over complicating something to the point of making it just like the other ARPGs out there, haha.

So far, Moon has shown to be experts at taking concepts from several genres and fitting it into a more approachable format, such as the survival, renovation, souls and platforming elements. Plus, when they introduce the whole farming thing later down the line I’m sure that’ll be accessible too.


Thanks for the Mention!

I think we all agree that enchantments could use a rework that change up the playstyle.
My take is that the current enchantments are so generic that they don’t really matter what your made up “class” is. All characters are essentially the same with the difference of move set.
Also some stats are no different from each other, INT, STR, DEX, FAITH they are all simply weapon requirement stats that do nothing else. Empty stats in my opinion, indistinguishable from one another. But anyway that’s kind of another topic.

Enchantments have a lot of potential but I do think there needs to be some kind of categorization that makes the randomness of them and functionality of them more manageable. I personally think there should be Primary affixes that change up your playstyle and secondary ones that just support your stats and so on. Or perhaps Gems should take on one of the roles. Made a post about it

@Psytoxin i like the idea of primary affixes that change play styles and secondary that remain as the stat changes we currently see. I think that’s a good way to mix it up and keep it balanced.

Do you think the number of “primary” affixes should change based on rarity? Like 1 for blue and 2 for purple, or maybe 1 for purple, only secondary stat ones for blue and maybe 2 for gold?

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Maybe you’re unto something, allowing 2 primary affixes on purples would justify the cost of having 1 negative affix.
It would also make it so not all cursed items have the primary affix combos you want so it would really be an item that you have to think about slotting in. It would be a good way to justify the downside of the curse and it would be a simple way to implement it.
Because as it is right now, purples are straight up better than blues in most cases and you simply allot them in your gear.
At least that was my experience, I just got a bunch of negative health curses and just added some HP stats to compensate and its all good.

Simply put:

Whites = No enchantments, 4 gems slots, 4 rune slots
Blues = 1 Primary enchantment, 2-3 secondary enchantments, 1 Gem, 2 Runes
Purples = 2 Primary enchantments, 1 secondary enchantments 1 Curse, 1 Gem, 2 Runes
Gold = 1 Special Enchantment, 3 secondary enchantments, 1 Gem, 2 Runes.

Something like that can work, and if you make gems a bit stronger then White items do retain their value. In my opinion gems should have their own effects that enchantments CANNOT have.

I made a post about it if you’d like to check it out.

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@Psytoxin i like your breakdown of how it differs based on rarity.

Overall, I’m happy the devs want to subvert the normal expectation of rarities by making them all useful in their own way. I think keeping whites as the most customizable is a really cool idea.

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If the white items are to be viable tools, gotta pump gems up a bit. They don’t begin to compare with enchants, and while I think that’s alright in a way, I don’t think the gap oughta be so big. Also, I think you’ll want more varieties of gems, to flesh out what you can reliably customize your tool to do.