Option to remove uncooked food from quick-use pool

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve died because I ran out of 1 type of cooked dish and instead of going to the next best meal, the game chooses a raw mushroom mid-fight so when I try to heal I get 10 health slowly instead of 50 instantly.
I’d like a way to “unfavourite” certain food items so that this doesn’t happen in future runs.


I totally agree with this.

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Yeah same i think this is actually a good change for the game!

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Agreed. Generally speaking, I think we should be able to dictate what we want in the quick-use pool on both the foods and items side…

Once you’ve got a big handful of buff items, it’s a chore to try to scroll through them in a fight!


I second this! Lost a few boss fights trying to switch off the mushroom and put in cooked food. Would be ideal if we could just specifically select which item went in which slot.

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100% agree to that, additionally I think it might be better if your favourite quick-use items show up on a wheel rather than a row. It would feel more natural then using the joystick to move in a circle rather than flick it left and right a bunch of times

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Oooh Yes that would be money. 6 Directional Options that you can have ‘on’ your bar at any one time

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