Thanks for that detailed pov.
I want to comment on some of the things you adress.
Keyboard and Mouse Controls:
You are right that the game is obviously created with controllers in mind and KB/M not so much. However, “barely playable” or “unplayable” is a bit harsh I think. I play with KB/M and i can say that it works OKish. There are obvious flaws, but you definitively can play it.
If someone is interested in a Mouse/Keyboard setup that works, i described mine here: KB/M bugs (current as of PATCH 2) - #8 by anonymous87
That being said, several things that you list are valid flaws though.
Yes, that is where you come into play.
Afaik, they are currently working on the inputs right now.
In terms of the camera, maybe I am not getting you right here? You ask for a rotating camera? So its about the diagonal fixed perspective?
This perspective is totally common for various genres. (Diablo, Path of Exile, Leage of Legends, or Stardew Valley to name only a few.) I dont think that this needs to, should, or even can, be changed at this point. Am I understanding this correctly???
Combat System
Here you have some valid points.
However, also here I think you are a little too harsh. When you are used to the fightstyle, you can get a new character through the first boss naked. It is still not easy and needs some balancing though, but it is generally quite good in its basics.
Be coherent with your game design
Here I have to disagree stongly. This is a very early phase of early access. Having everything in the world interactable and with animations is a ****load of work. And it is not really something that I would consider central for the gameplay loop. I regard this as a very minor problem, if as problem at all. There are other things where action is much more required. Also… including weather into the gameplay is very very tricky in terms of balancing. I think the most important thing that pretty weather effects have to be, is pretty. This alone is often something that makes games unique (e.g. Valheim)
The other things here are all valid points. However the wording could have been a tiny little more friendly
- The UI
- In-game information
- In-game navigation