New affix found?

has this been here before?

Im curious what other new stuff has made it in the game. imagine how curious people would’ve been if that were included in the patch notes^^

There also seem to be a more chest spawns with more loot in nameless pass

Why does that look weird? Is there 2 different font sizes used?

isnt that affix new?

maybe, but i am triggered by the font for some reason. looks weird lol

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this affix isn’t new, no. i’ve been able to get it since before the crucible update

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shame, i thought they sneaked in some new stuff, like they did before. i think ive seen some new props, some dirt wind in the nameless pass and i think a more beautiful war room, but i could also just imagine it…

I also thought it was new, I had never noticed it before. :face_with_monocle:

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