My feedback after 65 hours and beating Echo Knight with 2 different characters


So first of all I love this game, graphics, animations, sound, voice acting, gameplay and combat is top notch while level design is on whole another level :slight_smile:

Playing on i5 13600k, 3600TI @ 1080 on performance settings locked @ 60, I do get some FPS drops, when shiny weapons smash alot of boxes at same time and some other places (nameless pass elevator).
Playing with mouse + kb, it SUCKS HARD that you can’t rebind, and your default keys are bad, like how do you press shove together with D, and RMB should be for something you use most like block/parry, not focus.
Some early tip that you can press shift to run/jump to mouse cursor would save me alot of pain in Cave of Iona.

My first character medium weight / claymore - very fun to play, at lvl 30 with +life on dmg dealt it felt too easy. I don’t even need to dodge normal mobs.
Second character light weight / knife / 1h swords / rapier - also very fun, crushing flurry skill on dagger with focus gain seams op, you can permanently keep foes on their knees. I noticed with Light build if you run and dodge, you will stop running after dodge for a bit (BUG?), it doesn’t happen with medium or heavy. Medium almost feels smother than light.

I think combat difficulty is good, it’s challenging, but I like it. I died alot on first run , but part of it was cause I was not upgrading my gear as much as I should (maybe some tutorial or pop up info, that you should head back to town and upgrade you gear, so people don’'t rage quit on 2nd boss).
Parry feels very hard to time without shield (partly because MMB is bad, you have to move your finger for it) reward is not worth the risk of getting hit (so I stopped using it),

Hold F key to change consumable is bad and hard to use, you could make it selection circle (with direction) so it’s easier to select what you need.
Would be nice to have some more variety of weapons in early game, idk maybe I’m just unlucky, but all I got was daggers and small war hammer.
Some more info about on Runes would be good (like action description, dmg number), right now you have to put rune in other weapon to test it first or else you risk ruining your purple max upgraded wep with rune you don’t like.
Holding bow in offhand animation looks very bad (I avoid using it for this reason).
One does not simply walk into a shop without sliding at least twice at doors :upside_down_face:

Cheers !